Website has moved!
We've changed to a new host. Check out the new 5EBuilder website!

This website is designed to help players build their own characters for the 5th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons. Veteran players can make use of this site as a quick reference or fast method of putting together a character while newer players can use it as a tutorial or introduction to learn the process of making a character.
News and Updates:
November 24, 2015:
Gear Page is being added. I'll also be adding "Homeruled" variants of Races, Classes, and Backgrounds. These will
be highlighted to indicate that they are not "official" variants.
May 8, 2015: New Website Launch
We've revised our website template and changed the order of our pages to make our website
a bit easier to navigate and to better help players create characters step-by-step. We'll also be
adding the Minotaur race to our site shortly.