Countries of Alpha:
Jundail - The Frozen Wastes

The majority of the northern continent of Alpha is covered in a massive sheet of ice and snow. In the far
East, near the border of the Rack Lands, several small settlements still exist from the times before the Eternal
Winter. Most are surviving with the barest of essentials and rely heavily on trade with the Rack Lands for survival.
The Jundailians are very potent spellcasters and create a large variety of magical items and spells are sold throughout the
world. The capital city of Aurora is built of magically shaped ice and is said to rest on top of an Ancient Dragon's grave.
Places of Interest: Aurora City, Frostpelt Village, Jun-Rack Crossing.
The Rack Lands - Black Jagged Peaks

Black smog covers most of the Rack Lands, but the Dragonborn have carved homes out of the harsh landscape and spend
most of their time beneath the surface in their warm dens. Gnomes, Orcs, and some Dwarves inhabit the Rack Lands, but none
have the lung capacity of the Dragonborn, and must remain inside or fall ill from Smog Poisoning. The high number of active
volcanoes has left the landscape charred and burnt, but rich and full of nutrients. Farming in the proper locations is highly
successful. With the port to the West and the Jundail trade, the Rack Lands have established themselves as a powerful nation.
Places of Interest: Jun-Rack Crossing, Pepper Town, Blackspire Mountain, Tangerine City.
Archos - The Greatest Kingdom

The largest and most powerful country in Omega and West Alpha, Archos is built in a valley between the Rack Lands to the North
and Elyisa/Diana to the South. The country is inhabited by a large human, elf, and halfling population, but unlike most of the world,
all races come together in peace here. Trinity City is the home to the Elder Council, where members of every Country join together
and discuss politics, resolve wars, and much more. Archos is a rich land full of crops, game, and precious stones. Archos, on the
surface, is the ideal place to live. If not for their problem with undead and Dragons, it would be.
Places of Interest: Rose Village, Windvale Town, Blackhook Village, Haygarth Town, Sunflower Meadows, Trinity City.
Diana - The Moon's Haven

Diana is surrounded by deep purple swamps and marshes that transform into thick willowed forests. Most cannot pass through the
natural barriers without permission and those who do find themselves in a strange land of unnatural creatures like Manticora, Chimera,
Basilisks, and Centaurs. The country was founded by Drow 2300 years ago when they were pushed from their lands in Arador(on Omega,)
and forced across the sea. Those who remained behind established Thandir City in Arador. The population is almost entirely Elven;
Drow, High Elves, Wood Elves, and several other rare breeds. They do not trade with the outside lands(except their brothers and
sisters in Thandir,) and keep to themselves. Little is known about Diana.
Places of Interest: Silverstar City, Crisium City, Imbrium City, Vamporium City.
Elysia - Magic and Wonder

The Southernmost country in Alpha, Elysia is surrounded by an immensely powerful magical barrier which extends over Diana as well.
This barrier has existed for over 2000 years and prevents unwanted travellers access to the lands. The barrier does not extend over
the sea, however, allowing all travellers to enter through the various ports. Because of it's magic and protective borders, cartographers
have never been able to accurately map the country and it seems that part of the protective spell prevents any two maps from being the same.
The country's politics seem to shift and change as well, but it is known that the city of Wyfield has a ruling King and advisor.
Places of Interest: Wyfield, Pefield, Deminster, Woowick Keep, Elfbrook.