There are tons of important people and creatures in the world and far too many to list. The most important and frequently encountered are listed here, but others may be added or listed in another page later.
Cosmo Blackcandle

Age: 27
Species: Half-Elf
Class: Bladesinger
Home: Tower of the Moon, Daenistar.
Cosmo is a renown sorcerer who works as a member of the Midnight Gate, a guild created by King Draco to enforce peace behind-the-scenes. He is aided by two former knights, Avery and Leon. The three of them were accidently infected with Lycanthropy after an encounter with a Werewolf.
Cosmo was cured when he was sent to the Shadowfell and had his soul torn apart by it's black magic. He spent some time as a Shade until he was able to regain his humanity. Cosmo travels the world with his companions and helps adventurerers who are trying to preserve the peace with his potent magic and swordplay. Cosmo is a notorious flirt and considers himself "whateversexual."
King Draco

Age: 57 (Appearance,) 570 (True)
Species: Dragon(human-form)
Class: Paladin of Bahamut
Home: Albangale City, Daenistar.
King Draco assumed the throne in his youth and has ruled for more than a century as King of Daenistar. His predecessor, King Nortune, had no kin and appointed Draco as his successor to the Elder Council. When Nocturne died, the Dwarves revolted and a 100-year war began between Dwarf and man. Illiadore and Arador stayed out of the conflict, choosing to remain neutral.
King Draco ended the war by slaughtering an entire squadren of dwarves in his Dragon form, a blend of chromatic crimson and gold scales. The Dwarves surrendered and Draco welcomed them back into the Kingdom, despite their actions during the war, and gave the Dwarven Lords their own seat of power on his personal council. Draco has one astranged son and does not speak of the boy or his deceased wife, who died in childbirth.
Carter The Golden

Age: 3-10?
Species: Warforged
Class: Psion
Home: The Red Keep, Daenistar.
Forged sometime in the last 5-10 years, Carter was created by the Red King in his keep to act as a guardian of his vast wealth. During this time, he befriended the King's daughter, Ashlynn, and the two became inseperable. When Ashlynn staged a mutiny, Carter stood by her side and the two left the Red Keep aboard the Golden Salamander ship.
Since, Carter has lost track of his friend and had several adventures in distant lands, always searching for Ashlynn. He was eventually turned to evil when Asmodeus obtained Ashlynn's soul. In exchange for her soul, Carter took his own life and the lives of an adventuring party and gave them to Asmodeus. The evil God released her, but Carter was bound to serve him as his Chosen, until he can find a way to break free and save his lost friend.
Ashlynn Fireheart

Species: Human
Class: Rogue
Home: The Red Keep, Daenistar.
Daughter of the wicked Red King, Ashlynn spent her entire life fighting and surviving on ships. She is known for her unique twin shortswords and stark red hair. Her body has several scars, where her father "punished" her, and stands taller than most.
Ashlynn, or Ash, staged a mutiny after her father began staying in his keep and becoming gluttonous and vile. She took his flagship, The Golden Salamander, and escaped to sea. She is accompanied by her friend and lover, Amanda Silver, and the pirates travel the seas pillaging spices, gold, and other loot from trade ships and other pirates.
Amanda Silver

Age: 19
Species: Human
Class: Rogue
Home: Thandir City, Arador.
The Silver Family has lived in Thandir for centuries, having always gotten along well with their Elven neighbors. The Silvers have a small inn near the Western gate to the city, simply the "Silver Fox," that has stood for just as long as anyone can remember.
Amanda is the only daughter of the Silvers who currently run the inn, but it is known that the family has ties to the Thieves' Guild. Amanda is no exception and uses her connections to set up raids for the Golden Salamander as well as her lover and captain, Ashylnn Fireheart.
The Red King

Age: 54
Species: Human
Class: Barbarian
Home: The Red Keep, Daenistar.
The Red King earned his throne by raping and pillaging more than any other pirate in the history of IO. He slaughtered fleets of thousands and built his own personal armada in the Hydra Islands for almost 30-years. He is the father of Ashlynn Fireheart, his only daughter with his late wife, and a dozen unknown children to prostitutes.
The Red King is vile, cruel, and gluttonous. When his daughter staged a mutiny and stole his flagship, he used his power and influence to put a massive bounty of 1,000,000 Gold on her head, dead or alive. The King has since left his keep and set out to find and kill his rebellious daughter.
Theodore The Black

Age: 62
Species: Human
Class: Wizard
Home: Jakobii Village, Arador.
Born to a peasant in Jakobii Village, Theodore was gifted with a powerful mind and developed a talent for the arcane. He was kidnapped by Orcs disguised as Drow to insight a civil war between the two races, with the Orcs hoping to wipe out Thandir entirely.
A group of adventurers saved him and he joined them in a massive battle in Jakobii Villge, where the two armies met. As the battle raged, his mother was killed as a Black Dragon descened from the sky and joined the fray. Theodore was able to harness the power of his magic and slay the beast, saving both armies and his village. Having killed a Dragon, he earned the title(based on the Dragon's coloration) as "Theodore the Black." He fathered Cosmo Blackcandle with his wife, Tracey Candlefire. When Tracey was killed by a surge of Cosmo's wild magic, the two went their separate ways.

Age: ???
Species: ???
Class: Fighter/Psion
Home: Earth
Archturus is the name of a reanimated man from the ship that originally colonized IO. Sealed in his heavy armor, it acts as a second skin and atmosphere to keep him from being infected by new evolved illnesses that have come into existence since he entered a cryo sleep unknown ages before. He speaks rarely and stands at almost eight feet tall.
Archturus focuses firmly on his goals and won't let anything stop him from achieveing them. In addition to his suit, Archturus wield a massive "Gravity Axe" that can throw enemies back with a single swing. Archturus can also open magic portals at will, his suit generating the magic for him(a primitive technique that was used prior to the evolution of magic in the population.)