Countries of Omega:
Illiadore - Forest of Magic

The Northernmost portion of the Omega Continent, Illiadore is a rich forested country that is home to
a large Elven population. The capital is Evergreen City, built high on a hill and surrounded by tall wooden walls
and forest. The country is ruled by a King in Evergreen City, but there are an unknown number of tribes and small
towns hidden throughout the thick forest. The primary exports are lumber, game, pelts, and fabrics.
Places of Interest: Evergreen City, Sorayll Village, Temple of Wulfran.
Daenistar - Humanity's Cradle

To the Southwest of Illiadore is the country of Daenistar. According to the legends, humanity was created
when a magic spell missed the city of Albangale during the ancient times and evolved the Elven residents into modern humans.
Scholars can trace all humans on IO back to the city of Albangale almost 5000 years ago. The coutrny is ruled by
a King or Queen in Albangale City, from within the mighty Dragon Keep. The capital is built on a port along the
coastline overlooking the Hydra Islands in the distance. The primary exports are fish, precious minerals/gems(from
the Dwarves in the northwest city of Taveloh, fruit, crops, and bread from the vast amounts of farm lands.
Places of Interest: Taveloh City, Guill Village, Koxeth Ruins, Town of Vale, Albangale City, Dragon Keep,
Lake Nimbus, Tower of The Moon, Temple of Saffron.
Arador - Sand, blood, and ruins.

To the East of Daenistar is Arador, a brutal desert full of ancient ruins. Some say that the world was empty
until ancient Elves came from outer space and arrived in Arador, creating the first settlements. There is evidence
of higher level technology in the ruins and occasionally in the populated areas. However, Arador is inhabited mostly
by Orcs and the Drow, which has led to several civil wars and bloodshed. The current ruler of Arador is an Orc Chieftain
in Rakak City, but the Drow are allowed senators from their city of Thandir to work out the more delicate cases of law and
Places of Interest: Rakak City, Thandir City, Jakobii Village, Coxx Village, Synth Ruins, The Lavender Beach, Temple
of Ohren.