D&D 5E Character Builder


Your body is the most lethal weapon of all...

Hit Points:
First Level - 8 + Constitution Mod.
Level 2 Onward - 1D8 + Constitution Mod each level.

Hit Points:
First Level - 8 + Constitution Mod.
Level 2 Onward - 1D8 + Constitution Mod each level.

Hit Dice:
1D8 per Monk Level.

Simple weapons, shortswords, one type of artisans tools or musical instrument.

Saving Throws:
Strength and Dexterity

Skill Proficiencies(2):
Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Religion, and Stealth.

Starting Equipment:
  • A shortsword or any simple weapon.
  • A dugeoneer's pack or an explorer's pack.
  • 10-Darts.
Starting Gold:
5D4 gp