D&D 5E Character Builder


Mechanical humanoids who require no food or sleep.

Ability Score Changes: +2 Constitution

Size: Medium

Speed: 30-ft

Special Senses: None.

Languages: Common, One other Language.

Special Proficiencies: One Martial Weapon.

Living Construct:
  • Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and disease.
  • You don't need to eat, drink, sleep, or breath.
  • You only get 1/2 HP from recovery dice during a short/long rest and healing spells.

Rest of the Sleepless:
Instead of sleep, you remain inert for 8-hours and gain the benefits of a long-rest.

Body of War: Your body plating takes the place of armor and cannot be worn with armor(counts as Light armor.) Add your proficiency to AC, even while unarmored.

Artificial Anatomy: Advantage on Death Saving Throws.